Kimitec Group Collaborates with Oleum Hispania, Official Gourmet Oil of La Roja

The Cordoba company Oleum Hispania, which has offices in both Castro del Río and Carcabuey, collaborates closely with Kimitec Group, a multinational Spanish biotechnology business group.
The Gourmet project of La Roja, a gastronomic project of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, selected Oleum Hispania last March as the extra virgin olive oil at the head of the official gourmet brand of the Spanish National Football Team.
This project stands out for the quality of the oils that it produces in its Almanzara Molino de Fátima, located in Llano del Espinar (Castro del Río).
The project is also carried out with a program in its olive grove in collaboration with Kimitec Group, applying Prebiota Max, a regenerator of the soil microbiota, which has in its composition prebiotic molecules that act as food for the growth of beneficial microorganisms.
Prebiota Max, is a new product from the line of prebiotics (soil microbiota regenerators) that will champion the “Agrobiotic Movement” that Kimitec Group has developed as part of its extensive R+D+i program. This product provides molecules that promote the installation and development of positive microorganisms in the soil that improve its structure, aeration and fertility, attaining an increase in productivity and improving the caliber of the fruits.